20 Jul 2010

The Ladybird Book Of Stupid Fauna

1. Ants in flying mode
I fly therefore I am. I will fly around a bit in a pointless fashion bumping into things, and with a bit of luck I might fly into your mouth. Then I'll crashland and die. It was nearly swallowing some of these little bastards the other day that prompted this thoughtful insight into the fauna kingdom.

2. Pigeons
As is conclusively proven by this pic, pigeons have no brains at all. When not fighting amongst themselves or with much smaller birds, their sole purpose in life appears to be defecating in copious quanties.

3. Cows
It was a toss-up between cows and sheep, but this pic did it for me. At least sheep look permanently scared as if they know what happens to their kids after they've put on a bit of weight.

However, all of the above pale into insignificance on the dumb-ass scale compared to..........

.....back to work now..... 

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