19 Nov 2012

Angels with angles

Some of you may have seen my Monday morning grump on Farcebook about those dreadful homilies tinged with emotional blackmail that do the rounds on the site. You know the sort of thing...

"Re-post this to your status if...the Devil stole your soul and you'd like it back/the angels are blessing you with good fortune as you found a pound coin in the same fold of surplus flesh that you lost the TV remote in last week/your pet iguana is a heroin addict and you need a sign from God. No Parking would be nice/your Auntie Mabel got her left tit caught in a mangle and she'd appreciate being freed (delete as appropriate). If you do not "like" and re-post this, the Bug Eyed Beans From Venus will kidnap you, rip out your septum and use it as a back-scratcher, you evil waster."

...or, in a more craftily subtle version...

"We all know someone who has died a slow bouncy death while bungee jumping off The Shard, don't we? Well if we all sit down and think very hard in the direction of our chosen deity (gurning a bit might help too) then we can alleviate the suffering of those fools who might consider repeating the feat in the future. Pass this on and the message from our thoughts will be amplified and have more chance of getting through. Like this status to enhance thought-power - most of you won't, but a life of bounteous plenty awaits those who do...or maybe you'll find 10p down the back of the sofa."

Firstly, the people who post this trash are either trolls who deserve or a good kicking, or if they actually believe this crap then they have less sense than a Tory cabinet, and secondly the people who do actually re-post it should be tested for evidence of imbecility, and then probably shot. Harrumph.

This made me laugh..

Well, he would if he ate that, wouldn't he? If anyone can actually explain the purpose of this advert I'd be delighted to be enlightened!


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