28 Aug 2011

A Damascene Conversion?

Some of you know that I find the modern DW all a bit meh, and this current series has struggled to maintain my interest. To say I've had a Road to Damascus conversion after last night's episode may be over-egging the pudding a tad, but boy it wuz good wuz it not?

Doctor Who last night, watched after returning from the pub in a semi-drunken haze at about midnight, not only and amazingly kept my interest to the extent that I watched it all before passing out, not only that, but it made a kind of sense too! The whole thing centred on the delightful River Song who got the best line in the show saying she was off to a ‘gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled’ in 1938 Nazi Germany Berlin. Heheh. Rory locking Hitler in a cupboard was a "lol" moment too.

While Amy Pond undoubtedly does things to the heterosexual male libido, and I may be showing my age I know, but River Song could do things to me involving cream and probably leather....stop that now. What a woman! Apparently actress Alex Kingston once bit a fellow actor's tongue when she felt he was taking too long over a stage kiss - feisty stuff!

The question is can DW keep it up? We shall see.

Tonight sees the sublime Bill Nighy starring in spy thriller Page Eight. Should be good.

Now that Hurricane Irene has been down-graded to tropical storm, all of us over here in the UK are hopeful that all our friends on the eastern seaboard of the USA have got through the worst ok.


  1. Not much in the way of homo totty in Who, though . . .that would make it perfect :-D

  2. Was it me? I thought DW was reaching something of a nadir in Moffatt's run. It seemed constructed entirely around resolving the River Song story as quickly and painlessly as possible and this show's new toy - retro-continuity - is becoming a tad annoying.
    We've had one of the three parallel plots kind of resolved, with almost too much information thrown in - like someone reminded Moffatt that kids were the prime target audience and might struggle to juggle three impenetrable and at times badly written plot lines, while enjoying the show for what it should be - a bit of fun.
    I'm not suggesting Let's Kill Hitler wasn't funny, but I think it disguised a multitude of sins.
    I'm starting to feel the way I did when Tom Baker took over from the mighty Jon Pertwee; like it wasn't really *my* show any longer. I like Matt Smith, I just don't like his current adventures much. Why has it had to become so... disappointing?

  3. Page Eight - it was good, as expected.
