4 May 2010

The Bryden Two-Step

Me & PH went to a decidedly average beer fest held in our present hostelry of choice, the Victoria Inn last Saturday night. We  walked home from t'pub in a freezing downpour, about 1.75 miles all told. No problemo for yours truly as I walk everywhere, being one of those weird people who don't drive. However since stumbling out of bed on Sunday morning (remarkably headache free-ish) my right knee has been giving me all kinds of grief, to the point where I now find it f**king painful going up and particularly down stairs.
I can't remember it hurting at all on the march home, but that may have been the cumulative numbing effects of beer. Maybe I should take my kneecap off and have a quick poke about with a screwdriver? Suggestions on a postcard please.


The current trend for male office workers of all ages to shuffle about tie-less really bugs me for some reason. Being a lifelong desk troll, I have always worn a tie to work, unless the weather is very warm. Now I can get used to not wearing a tie if just in shirt sleeves, but what I don't like is these lazy bleeders wearing jackets on top of a shirt with no tie. To my jaundiced eyes, it simply looks scruffy, like you've left the house in such a hurry you've forgotten to finish getting dressed.
Cameron & Clegg are both guilty of this but Brown at least makes the effort to put a tie on. Bill Turnbull on BBC Breakfast News is another highline culprit. You'd think at his age he'd know better.

Support the tie making industry now - PUT A TIE ON!!


Now this is going to sound sexist, but I can assure you it is a fact. As pointed out above, due to a complete lcak of hnad eye cooridantion I don't drive, so I walk to work every day. This involves crossing a lot of side roads coming off the main thoroughfare to town. I'd say about 50% of the time some kind soul will wave you across, and I acknowledge their courtesy with a wave.
Here comes the sexist bit - 9 times out of 10 the driver letting you cross is a man. Given that we're talking school run time here, when probably at least half the drivers are female, this is disproportionately weighted in favour of the bloke, doncha think? Sometimes you can look a driver in the eye and he (mostly it is) will slow down and wave you across, but women? No chance. They seem to have tunnel vision and either don't see you, or if you mistakenly think they are waving you across will then attempt to turn you into roadkill, and proceed to blame you for daring to step into their path!! OK - I have got sexist now, but the general premise holds I'm afraid.


An unemployed Latvian astro-physicist told me the chavs killed Michael Jackson.

Vote for The Rubbish Party - liking beer since 1975.


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